Graphic Design
As a designer, I enjoy the challenge of creating a fresh design that represent your product and its character. I bring your personal design vision to reality, or creating something unique to present you and your corporate brand and image.
Services Include:
-Brochure and Presentation Folders
-Book Covers
-Flyer Design
-Book Interior Layout
-Facebook Headers
-Twitter Backgrounds
-Print Ad Campaign
-Direct Mailer & Flyer
-Sales Materials
-Pocket Folder and Insert
-CD/DVD Cover/Jacket & Label
-Magazines & Publications
-Product & Package Design
-Signage Design
-Tradeshow Booth Backdrop Display Design
-Graphics Banner Design
Web Design
Your company website is the first place your potential customers will look to find out information about you, your company and its services. Whether they simply want to know how to find you, need an answer to a question, or want to place an order, having a well designed, easy to navigate and easy to find website is crucial to the success of your business.
Web Services Include:
-Corporate Website Design and Development
-Website Re-design
-Design Makeovers
-Blog Design
-Social Media Integration
-E-mail Marketing Campaign
-Social Media Header Design
We offer a great variety of professional photography services.
Photography Services Include:
-Portfolio Development
-Image Consulting
-Wedding Packages